Writing Rings

Writing Rings

Posted 2013-12-16 by Mina Keenanfollow

Do you have a writing ritual? Something you do before you get to the business of writing? Or something that you think helps you to write?

I have writing rings. Seeing my hands are in my vision as I'm tapping away on the keys - I want a bit of sparkle as I write. Some bling as background to my words. When I put them on I am ready to tap and make some glitz.

They are not expensive. They are junk rings. But I like them. They catch the light.

If you have trouble starting to write that piece you can incorporate other things to help with the associations of motivation and action.

Help you to write - How's that?

  • A ritual can help get you into the 'zone'

  • It can help with the mindset to begin your work.

  • It might be something you do before you start to write like tidying your workspace or making sure an object you like is close by.

  • Things to try

  • A small plushie toy near your computer or on your desk.

  • Photos of special people in your life in your work area.

  • Certificates of your achievements on your office wall.

  • Some at home writers 'cannot' write until the basic chores are done first.

  • Get some writing rings :)

  • For anything in your life that you're having trouble with motivation-wise - think of little ways to make it brighter, nicer or happier.


    251621 - 2023-07-18 07:26:02


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