Worth Waiting For
Image courtesy of suphakit73 at freedigitalphotos.net Little steps made regularly will build to your dream
Each of us has goals in life that are aligned with our individual value systems. However, many of us find we don’t reach the long-term goals because short-term problems, or desires interfere in their attainment.
A major example to use here is budgeting, with the goal of saving for a particular object, or just a rainy day, or to have something to pass on to our loved ones.
However, we may feel down one day, and indulge in shopping for items that we don’t really need, because we think it will fill that ‘hole’. Short term, it sure may. I know I feel great
temporarily when I have bought something attractive I may have seen in shops.
However, these are ‘wants’ not ‘needs’. When I subjugate to my wants at the expense of my needs, things will go awry. That means, I don’t plan for what I
need in the way of bills,
proper food, doctor’s expenses – the list goes on.
Life might not seem fun like this – just spending money on what one needs. Or others may have another short-term gratification method that impairs with the attainment of their ultimate goals – mere distraction – which is why having a ‘to do’ list is vital. May I add here that completion of that ‘to do’ list with a tick, perhaps, is more gratifying than you may think and is positively reinforcing.
Other things that cannot be helped do get in the way of our plans, unfortunately. I know for one, illness is one of them. There are days where you are physically unwell and cannot do what you wanted to do. This is frustrating. Watch out for that negative spiral that can turn what simply can’t be helped into an abandonment of goals. For example – if you are a perfectionist and the house is a mess and you feel even too ill to clean it. You may think ‘it’s not worth it’. Or people may visit. Interruptions may occur.
Keep back on track. These are only side-steps, minor deviations.
Another major factor is that we forget the old cliché that good things
are worth waiting for is very very true. It takes a lot of saving to have enough money to buy a house. But it’s worth it! It takes weeks of exercise and patience to lose weight and gain fitness, but for many of us, it’s worth it.
It takes a long time to earn a degree, but the job at the end of it is hopefully worth it.
On a pertinent note, becoming a successful freelance writer takes a lot of patience, and the love of it for me creates a situation where I couldn't stop that easily. However, to be successful, I realise that it's going to take. Small, consistent steps. However, I have heard and do believe successful freelance writing is very possible. If you write regularly, network and keep trying, you can't help but achieve success if the passion is high enough. Most of all you need to write because you love to. So the worthwhileness is in the journey and in the final stage where you can abandon other sources of income if you wish.
On a very small scale, I can give an example. I hate cleaning. It takes time. But boy, when I look around, it is so very worth it. I just can’t feel the same in a dirty house.
Good things also take consistency. Small but regular steps is better than a marathon and injury for life!
Saving money for a rainy day applies to all things…save up your energy, your application, your time, your devotions, your planning for whatever it is you want – money, fitness, weight loss, a relationship, a lovely garden – the fact that a seedling takes consistent watering and dedication is a good example that good things take time.
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