Why We Think More Clearly When Showering
Everything seems better after a shower, and it's not just because we feel all fresh and clean afterward, it's not just the mere pleasure of warm gushing water falling down upon our skin. There is much more to it than you think.
An experiment was conducted by Swedish researcher Per Scholander, who was working in the USA in 1962. He had previously observed that Wedell Seals gained oxygen when immersed deep in water. He wanted to know if the same biological reaction occurred with humans.
A group of volunteers were monitored as they dove down deep into a large water tank. They were also told to hold their breath and do an exercise at the bottom of the tank. Scholander noticed that their heart rates decreased. Of course the opposite would have happened if they were on land.
Another thing that was noted was that the volunteers blood seemed to rush away from their limbs and to the vital organs instead, therefore oxygenating the heart and brain more than usual. It's a survival mechanism that occurs when even our faces are splashed with water apparently.
So, there is definitely more going on than we think when we step into a shower. This physical reaction is obviously what allows us to think so well when showering. Our brains are in a better state than when we are dry.
There have been many times when I've solved problems in the shower or came up with brilliant ideas. Unfortunately I usually forget what I was thinking as soon as I'm out. Perhaps I should take in a pen and paper next time...
252675 - 2023-07-18 07:40:32
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