Why Its Okay To Go Off Limits To Get What You Truly Want
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She gave up on her dream of becoming a professional dancer because her parents thought it’s time to get married.
He didn’t become a make-up artist just because society thought it’s not appropriate for boys.
She didn’t quit the corporate job to pursue her dream because it would have cost her losing a regular income.
And so goes the endless saga of how a lot of dreams are curbed, time and again, as they evolve.
Limits: The Fuel for The Dream-Killing Machine
People, often, talk about setting limits, being in limits, and deciding the right & the wrong.
And the worst: people kneel before the conventionalities.
In the name of limits, normalities, and conventionalities, we are obstructed from spreading the wings of desire.
So, it is sometimes the family, sometimes the society, and sometimes just the inner fear that restrict us from doing what we love.
Where Did These Limits Come from?
“Limits, like fear, is often an illusion.”-Michael Jordan
Limits are nothing but stereotypes. They are the set paths that we think must not be crossed or recreated as it is (could be) unacceptable in the society.
How I Got Off The Limits & Discovered A Better Life
In my previous job as a teacher I started feeling stagnant, unmotivated, and disinterested. I not only wanted to quit the job but also wanted to change my profession.
However, my parents wanted me to either continue in the same line or get married.
But I had some other plans.
I wanted to do something more creative, dynamic, and interesting. Though I was into the profession for several years, I left the job.
I took the charge of my life and did what I wanted to do. This is how I came into writing.
I discovered that doing something off-limit for one’s happiness is soul-satiating.
And most importantly, it bestows us with the joy of achieving things that we truly love or want in our life.
Something to Stir Your Motivation…..
This story taught me how strong willpower can make your shortcomings bow in front of you.
It is a story of a girl, suffering from dyslexia, who chose to become a writer. Not only she became a freelance writer, but also topped the class as a journalism student. Read the full story
“So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.”-Christopher Reeve
What You’ll Get By Going Off the Wall?
Going beyond limits to follow your dream will render a lot more benefits to your life. It will accord you with endless positives that you’ll cherish your whole life.
Less Regrets & Greater Contentment
I do not regret the things I've done, but those I did not do.- Rory Cochrane
The world holds two kinds of people: One who take chances and others who say What if. It’s your choice who you want to be. In the end, you’ll cherish the chances you took, and not the paths you left unexplored.
Elevated Strengths
“Once we accept our limits; we go beyond them.” - Albert Einstein
Soaring off the wall will not only sate your inner-self, but it will help in spotting your capabilities. It will acquaint you with your qualities as well as incapabilities that you’ll have to mend to achieve what you always desired for.
You Will Get Past Your Comfort Zone
image courtesy: slideshare.net
Sometimes, it needs an extra push to reach the place you always yearned for. It requires you to walk an extra mile. However difficult it might look, follow that path. It will bring you out of your comfort zone making you more
productive and hard working. Also, it will teach you to stretch your boundaries to achieve the ultimate goal.
Series of Life Lessons And Experiences
“I bear many scars, but I also carry with me moments that would not have happened if I had not dared to go beyond my limits.” - Paul Coelho
Undoubtedly, going off-limits is not the only way of getting experiences, but it will help you learn things that others only dreamt of. It would empower your wisdom and earn you the moments that would not have been there if you had not chosen the path beyond your limits.
Character Building
Breaking the limit in pursuit of your dream will assist you in building a strong character. The unknown journey will throw challenges that’ll help you build character traits like perseverance, determination, tolerance, and
confidence .
You’ll See The Other Side Of The Mountain
Last but not the least: you will reach your ultimate goal. You will get what you always wanted. It will motivate you to dream, explore, and learn even more.
How To Kickstart Your Journey?
If breaking the boundaries doesn’t harm anyone, and it takes you closer to your dream, you should go for it. There’s no point waiting for people’s acceptance. Rather get rid of everything that withholds your freedom.
Initially, it will appear daunting and impossible. But with constant efforts, you will realize your goal, sooner or later.
So, get past your fear, form a plan, take small steps, and get what you want.
253085 - 2023-07-18 07:46:47