Why I Feel Rich Today
ImageMarie Vonow
I feel rich today and it has little to do with money. Yes, on the money front I am up to date with my mortgage payment and the bills. There is food in the fridge, freezer and pantry cupboard. However, I feel rich because it has been a beautiful sunny day. I have been out for three walks and the gardens around here are alive with lots of colourful flowers. I have seen different types of birds and I have borrowed items from the local library. People have smiled at me and said, ‘Hello. Isn’t it beautiful weather?’ I have chatted with my neighbours. These are some of the experiences that make me feel
The weather can have a strong influence on one’s mood. I like all sorts of weather, at different times. However, a sunny day like today in early spring is special. After a lot of cold days and some wet weather we have had a few sunny days and today was fantastic. People in the shops seemed chattier than usual.
I don’t think I am exaggerating when I say
everyone I passed when I was walking outside smiled and offered a greeting. Some then made a positive comment about the weather.
ImageMarie Vonow
When I was out the front of my house this morning, the neighbour on one side started chatting to me about the plants in our gardens. We talked for a while about other topics and then got on with things we had to do. As I was returning from walking my dog this afternoon I said hello to my neighbour on the other side. She was sitting in her front yard with a couple of visitors. I was invited to join them and have a slice of the pizza they were enjoying. Friendly neighbours are a blessing.
There are many plants in bloom at the moment. Lots of stone fruit trees are now in blossom. There is also beautiful pink ornamental blossom. There are freesias, irises, tulips and hyacinths as well as other bulbs. The daisies and pansies of varying colours are delightful and there is plenty of fragrant lavender.
ImageMarie Vonow
When I was drinking my coffee out the front of my house this morning I noticed two wattle birds sitting on my neighbour’s fence catching insects. I often hear these birds high up in the nearby trees but it is rare to see them this close around here. Other birds were flying around and singing.
I enjoyed watching a pair of kookaburras in the gum trees near the river when I was on my way back from walking to the main street. The kookaburras were laughing and flying from one tree to another. There were a couple of ducks swimming in the water and I could hear frogs croaking. The grass on the banks of the river is so lush and green at the moment.
ImageMarie Vonow
I did a lot of walking today and I was filled with gratitude that I am able to walk. Some people are unable to enjoy this freedom of movement. It is lovely to be out in the fresh air, smelling the flowers and feeling the breeze on my face.
ImageMarie Vonow
While I was in the main street I picked up a couple of library books and three CDs that were on hold for me. The library makes me feel rich as it allows me access to a wide variety of books, magazines and inspiration in other media.
Today I was particularly aware of abundance in my life. As I sit here typing and listening to one of the lovely CDs I borrowed from the library I continue to feel rich and blessed.
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