Which Side Of The Bed Do You Sleep On And Why
ImageSolomon Rodgers
While researching tips for things that make people happier I came across the claim people who sleep on the left side of the bed tend to be happier than those who sleep on the right side. I read other information which I found interesting.
Right side of the bed, more right brained
Many believe the right side of the brain controls creativity and artistic pursuits. Research done by OnePoll on behalf of Slumber Cloud (a bedding company), involved 2,000 participants in America. They found people who sleep on the right side of the bed tend to think they are more right-brained and therefore more creative. I haven't come across any percentages or statistics, just this generalisation.
Left side of the bed, more left-brained
Those who sleep on the left side tend to think they are more logical or left brained. They will be better at maths and science rather than artistic pursuits.
I should mention a study using brain imaging carried out by neuroscientists at the University of Utah in 2013 found no evidence of people being either right brained or left brained.
Taste in music and movies
Rock music and action movies were likely to be favoured by those who slept on the right side of the bed.
Those who slept on the left tended to choose drama films and 'oldies music'. I had to consult the internet to check what constitutes oldies music. Apparently it is a wide-ranging term that includes most pop, rock, and R&B songs played on the radio since 1950 and up to 10-20 years ago.
Right side of the bed sleepers are more likely to support the right wing and left side of the bed sleepers, well they tend to vote for the left.
Choice of alcoholic beverage
Right side of the bedders tend to prefer wine rather than beer and left siders go for beer rather than wine.
What else came out of the research?
I have read a few internet articles referring to the research and these are the only findings I have come across but there may have been more in the original study.
What's the reason an individual sleeps on the right or the left side of the bed?
Participants were asked
why they sleep on the side of the bed they do.
Forty per cent of those polled said they chose the side they found easier to get out of.
Thirty one percent said their partner prefers the other side so they hadn't really chosen the side they got to sleep on.
Twenty five percent said they chose the side that afforded the better view of the television.
ImageStockSnap from Pixabay
My own thoughts
I can think of a variety of reasons why an individual may choose to sleep on a particular side of the bed. Some may do so for health considerations. Perhaps they have a sleep aponea machine or other health device which requires access to a power point or a suitable piece of furniture to place the apparatus on.
They may need to sleep on the left or right side of their body due to pain. They may need to face out so they don't have to roll over before getting out of bed.
The size and layout of a bedroom and where the bed fits in the room may influence which side of the bed a person sleeps on and whether they share the bed or sleep alone.
I find the results of research, studies and surveys interesting but I think they often need to be taken with a grain of salt and there may be many other factors which don't feature in the research.
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253255 - 2023-07-19 07:42:16