Try A Bit Of Kindness

Try A Bit Of Kindness

Posted 2014-01-16 by angelstarfollow
My Niece Giving My Dog Some Kindness


Kindness to me is about enriching other people’s lives by giving and sharing with them. If everyone tried to do one act of kindness each day of their lives, wow the world would be a happier place. Kindness has a different meaning to everyone, but what is most important is actually doing the act.

When you look back in your life, you must have experienced some time someone giving you some kindness in different ways.

It could be as little as someone smiling at you or just wishing you a nice day up, right to the most extravagant acts of buying you dinner or paying your taxi fee; perhaps complimenting you on your clothes; buying you a drink at a bar or shouting you to the movies.

They are all fantastic.

Here are some simple acts you could tell yourself to do daily:

  • Smile at the person behind the counter in the shops.

  • When you leave the car park early before the expiration time, look for new arrivals and give your ticket to them.

  • Help elderly people on to the escalator or lifts.

  • In rush hour traffic, freely give way to cars needing to exit driveways.

  • Make co workers cups of tea or coffee.

  • Ring a friend in need.

  • Take time to be friendly on the bus or at a bus stop.

  • When you drop money on the ground, leave it for someone.

  • Give money to charity.

  • Give your time to a much needed charity.

  • Every time you shop at Woolworths, buy a bag of dog food and donate it to the RSPCA basket - even if you have no dogs.

  • When you fill up for petrol, move forward enough for other customers to get their fuel too.

  • Buy a friend a cuppa.

  • Shout a family member to the movies.

  • Text someone you have not talked too for a while.

  • Send appropriate cards to people in the mail for special occasions.

  • This is just a small list of acts that I maintain in my life to bring kindness to others.

    If you don’t do any of these in your life, then ask yourself why not? After a while you will come to the conclusion that it is generally a necessity to achieve pure happiness in your life. The more you give definitely means the more you will receive. Hard to work out really. I bet you're thinking how does that work?

    We are all part of an amazing universe, and it gives us plentiful for our wants and needs; but the law of attraction plays a huge part as well. The universe works very fast and in mysterious ways. It is a bit like the universe giving back to us, and hence thanking us for all we have done.

    Best thing of all is when we are giving from our open hearts, we are also ready to receive. I love it when you surprise someone totally out of the blue with a little bit of kindness. It really does go a long way.

    Now that it is a new year, why not try to incorporate some little acts of kindness today. You don’t have to give big. Just have a big heart; it is there deep down in you.

    Then once you have done some of these acts of kindness, you will fully understand how powerful and life changing you and your life will become.

    Lessons learnt will give you an appreciation for life, because your eyes and your heart will be open.


    251817 - 2023-07-18 07:28:17


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