Things I Like About Winter
Image by Marie Vonow
I like winter, but then it is easy for me to feel happy about this time of the year. In the part of South Australia where I currently live the winters are not harsh. We have a house and it is cosy. It has heating and doors and windows that seal well. I have blankets, warm clothes and when it rains I get out my umbrella. We have food and also appliances to cook it on. I do not have any health issues causing me to ache and feel miserable on cold days.
I have just returned from a walk to the main street. I picked up two library books that were on hold at the library and bought some bread rolls. In summer I am less inclined to walk because the heat tires me out. When the weather is cool I enjoy walking. Even on a cold day I find walking pleasant as long as I am dressed warmly enough.
I stopped on the footbridge that goes over the river. There is water flowing and two ducks were paddling along. Frogs were croaking and four beautiful rosellas flew overhead before landing in a gum tree. In summer the river dries up and one can see the rubbish people have thrown into it. That is not a nice sight.
Seeing water in the river and the green grass in winter appeals more to me than a dry river bed. Image by Marie Vonow
There are things I enjoy in winter which don’t bring the same pleasure in summer. On cold nights I love a hot chocolate drink as I read a novel in bed. In summer I don’t want to indulge in hot chocolate. A soak in a hot bath with lots of bubbles on a cold night is a luxury. It’s not something I fancy in hot weather.
Winter food is great. I do
try to resist puddings and high calorie pies and the like. Instead I indulge in thick soups made from homemade chicken stock and lots of vegetables. I enjoy baked vegetables with roast chicken, tuna mornay and many other hot dishes. A mild curry is one of my favourite meals and I find this more appealing in winter.
Cooking is more fun in winter. I must admit I have to be careful not to overindulge in cooking and eating but I love the smell of food baking in the oven. The heat from the stove is a plus whereas in summer it is a negative.
I love baking in winter. Image by Marie Vonow
I enjoy sitting with a quilt over me while I read or watch a DVD. With a pretty lamp glowing on the shelf the lounge seems cosy, instead of just being a small room. I have a friend who has a ‘real’ fire in her sitting room and it is lovely to sit in front of her fire and chat.
Bed is a great place to be on a cold night. Reading in bed is relaxing. I sleep more soundly in winter, cuddled up under a blanket and a doona. Come the morning, staying in bed for ‘just a bit longer’ is a luxury on days when one doesn’t have to get up as soon as the alarm goes off.
It is nice knowing the garden isn’t shrivelling up the way it does in the middle of summer. Most winter days there is no need to water anything. Of course, the downside is the need to do some weeding.
Although there are some aspects of winter which can be annoying, overall I enjoy winter and am not in a hurry for the season to end. For now, I am enjoying the winter and living in the moment.
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