The Winter Blues
Have you ever experienced the
winter blues, otherwise known as
Seasonal Affective Disorder? Feeling anxious? Less motivated? A little depressed? There are some wonderful techniques to keep you feeling better as our bodies require different attention from season to season, especially when the temperatures are low and the days too short.
If you suffer from the winter blues, the following should help tremendously...
Eat more carbs. They are calming. More fruits and vegetables will boost your mood and nutrition.
Exercise to release endorphins. They are happy molecules that your brain craves. Go on YouTube and find some good free workouts.
Get enough light as it can be an effective antidepressant. Go outside or sit close to a window.
Invest in a SAD light for light therapy.
Schedule something fun. For example, throw a party.
Start a new hobby.
Light some candles. You can have the scent of anything from a batch of cookies to an ocean beach.
Volunteer and help others.
Drink plenty of clean water.
If you suffer from the winter blues, I hope this short list helps out. Print out and post it someplace to know what to do when the blues hit. These coping skills can be a real lifesaver.
253033 - 2023-07-18 07:45:59