The Sound of Silence

The Sound of Silence

Posted 2014-06-08 by Colleen P Moynefollow
Image Shutterstock

Yesterday I took a walk in a pine forest not far from my home. It was a cool and sunny day with just the lightest breeze that occasionally ruffled the tree tops. I sat down on a fallen trunk, breathed in the pure air and just listened.

Aside from the quiet whisper of the trees and random bird calls, the forest was silent. Eerily silent.

While I was aware of the rhythmic sound of my own breathing, the atmosphere around me was still and serene. It occurred to me that such profound silence is a rare thing for most of us.

Caught up in the chaos of daily routine, our lives are filled with music, conversation, the background hum of traffic, machinery, appliances and a myriad of other sounds. But when those sounds are not there, it almost feels unnatural - and somewhat unsettling.

Sitting there on a log in the silent forest, I began to hum a tune, just so that I could hear something familiar.

courtesy of

Could it be that all those sounds that accompany our daily activities have become our security? To remind us that our life is continuing its steady rhythm?

Perhaps we should take the time more often to experience complete silence, and let it teach us to appreciate the familiar rattle and hum of our daily lives.


252264 - 2023-07-18 07:33:26


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