The River of Life

The River of Life

Posted 2017-05-16 by Rachael Millsomfollow

What guides you in your life? Are you in a stream floating, getting pushed into all the strong currents, bumped by rocks, rushing along with the current when it is there and then sitting still in the pools. Or are you on a craft in the stream, you go with the flow yet you can paddle around rocks, you can slow down or find a still place in the river. You can choose to paddle forward in the still pools or enjoy them knowing the paddle is there when you are ready to move on.

I know I would rather feel like I am in a craft in the river. I still don't know what is around the corner, I am on an adventure yet I have tools to help me move through and to navigate obstacles. When there is a fork in the river I am not swept down whichever the current takes me down, I can slow down and make a conscious choice.

My river craft steers best when:
  • I am present in myself and I am feeling connected to myself and the earth;
  • I communicate with others in my life, I share my joys, my sorrows and others joys and sorrows as well as the everyday;
  • I set healthy boundaries, I choose who rides in my craft with me, when and on what terms;
  • I am connected to my internal wisdom, my gut feelings / my intuition;
  • I am connected to something greater than me, for me that is nature and spirit.

  • Where are you at?

    Are you even in the river? Do you feel the need to control things to a level that jumping in the river of life and letting it take you on a journey is out of the question? What would it be like to allow yourself a day or a week on the river? Or even a day sitting on the edge with your toes in?

    Have you jumped in the river, recognising the beauty in letting life take you where it will, or simply found yourself floating down the river with no way of avoiding the next rock? What needs to happen for your trip down the river to be more conscious? to be able to slow it down, speed it up or avoid a few rocks on the journey? How will you build yourself a craft?

    Do you have a craft you are travelling in? What sort of craft are you in? Do you have a way of steering it? Generally all river craft need ongoing maintenance and there is always room for improvement. What sort of maintenance does your craft need? Under what conditions does your craft travel best?

    Life as a river.

    If life is a river, you don't want to spend all the time on the banks you want to be right in it, feeling it living the river. If life is a river you want to understand something about the river, the way it flows, how to manurer yourself to be in the best line for the rapid ahead, how to find and move to still water (eddies). You also need to understand and learn more about yourself, how are you in the river, under what conditions are you best able to travel on the river. Once you understand some general principles about how the river moves and something about yourself you are ready to equip yourself with a craft on which to travel.

    Come and join me on the river of life.


    253086 - 2023-07-18 07:46:48


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