The Power of Visualization Imagine and Find Your Own Hapiness

The Power of Visualization Imagine and Find Your Own Hapiness

Posted 2014-06-02 by WINGMAN - Online Magazinefollow

„Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.”
Douglas Ivester

Within all of us is a magnificent power which can be used to improve our lives dramatically, it’s a power of our mind. This “power” has reportedly been used to treat health problems, reach the highest levels of success in sports, and give birth to massive business empires.

1. The power of visualization.

Everything starts within the subconscious mind – regardless of whether the largest success, or the creating of a million dollars, or just a walk to the shop to purchase some breakfast – we visualize it on some level no matter what.

We unconsciously visualize on and off all day long to a certain degree, but you can develop your visualization skills to go way beyond this level of everyday thought. Some are able to boost their visualization ability and achieve massive success as a result of it – people such as super athletes, as well as businessmen.

They all commonly visualize their success, which gives them motivation to make a huge effort towards their further success. When you visualize you can really feel like you’ve achieved your end result.

2. Your mind eats what you’ve cooked for it

Your inner world can be tumultuous, but it’s up to you to control the storm. If you struggle to achieve happiness, focus on your self-development and maintain only positive thoughts.

Choose the thoughts you are providing to your mind. Thai people call it mind cooking. It means that every thought you have is an ingredient for your mind. Every single thought you have in mind has an impact on your happiness and the world around you!

3. “The seedling of success”

The visualization is recognized as “the seedling of success”, for without it nothing would ever happen. This degree of visualization is usually easier said than accomplished, a few people find it comes naturally and are able to relax and create highly effective, moving visualizations for extended periods of time.

For most of us thought can generally be fairly tough to get started in – to create clear and vibrant visualizations right away.


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