The No Spend Challenge

The No Spend Challenge

Posted 2014-01-22 by Parent's Wisdom follow
Image Courtesy of graur razvon ionut Only choosing to spend on my basic needs such as food and shelter. I want to kick unnecessary consumerism in the butt. Welcome to the no spend challenge. Are you in with me

Ok, so it’s looking pretty bleak at this point if I continue to consume in the same way I have in the past. Not just for me, but for my children, it will undoubtedly end in tears. It’s almost impossible to live in the western world and not consume in some way. So the question for me is how do I limit my participation? When I do consume, how do I do it reasonably and ethically? How do I turn my attitudinal change into behavioural change? Not the easiest challenge I have set myself.

The no spend challenge.

I've decided to set myself a challenge or two. The first challenge was to figure out why I needed to make a change, and I have been pondering this recently. The biggest driver for me was to pass on the real values that matter on to my children, but more importantly, to live those values. Those values (the opposite of consumerism); sustainability, community, respect, connecting to others and having meaningful relationships. This little (dare I say it) journey has lead me to re-examine who I am, what I value and what I want my children to see in me.

The second part of the challenge is to take a leaf out of the beautiful bird’s blog where the “No Purchase Plan Challenge” was set. So I will be embarking on a no spend challenge; not purchasing anything for me (except for essentials, food, toiletries and I’m really hanging onto coffee), until the end of the financial year, June 30th. The challenge will require me to monitor my consumption, promote the simple things in life and be raising awareness about unethical consumerism.

Please pledge with me, I need support, if you think you can do it too. We can support each other and swap ideas. I will continue to let the blog audience know how I'm going; the good, the bad and the ugly of the challenge will be documented. Please don’t applaud me because I want to make it clear that this challenge will be really hard for me, and I'm definitely scared of failure.


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