The Hardest Time Of The Year

The Hardest Time Of The Year

Posted 2013-12-19 by Chrissyfollow
Image courtesy of Simon Howden Remember your loved ones in presence and spirit at Christmas

The end of the year can be the hardest time of the year.

Christmas is a time to gather with family and friends; celebrate the achievements of the year and look forward to the future. Despite this, it is likely that for almost all of us there is a part within us that holds sadness, grief and loss; of which is brought back to the surface at this time of year.

At the start of this year I lost my beloved grandmother, or second mother really, to brain cancer. Her battle was short; seven months in total, and it came with immense suffering and pain. This time last year she was holding on to spend the special day with her family which she adored so much. During her short illness she taught me strength, humility, bravery and courage in the face of adversity. She also gave me a valuable lesson on how to rise above suffering. Not once did I hear her complain of pain; despite the growing tumour in her brain, and the independence and life she was rapidly losing.

It is only natural at this time of year we feel the hole left inside us from someone we have lost, and battle the feelings of grief in amongst what is thought of as the most wonderful time of the year.

This Christmas, take a moment to remember the ones you have loved and lost. Remember the good times and the lessons they have taught us. Remember to smile and enjoy the day, because after all, they would want us to be enjoying our lives and celebrating our no doubt prosperous future.


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