The Happiness Project Part 7 Career

The Happiness Project Part 7 Career

Posted 2014-02-11 by Justine Crowleyfollow
Image Courtesy of stockimages Life is too short to be unhappy in your work.

A really relevant topic when it comes to your happiness and wellbeing. It does not matter how many hours you work, provided you're passionate about what you're doing. Quite recently, with my main client, I have had to step up into an extraordinary role due to unexpected circumstances for the time being. Although I have said that unpleasant swear word to myself goodness knows how many times since; yet I am loving the additional responsibilities - even if they are temporary.

Welcome to part 7 of the Self Avenue Happiness Project. If you have not read the first six parts, please do so:

Self Avenue Happiness Project Parts 1-6.

It is true. Our work and career, irrespective as to whether or not you work for yourself or for someone else does take up a significant chunk of your time. This is why it is so critical to be happy with you work, as it ebbs and flows into other areas of your life.

Firstly, ask yourself "Am I engaged in work that I absolutely love?"

It is important to be in your flow. Even if it means having to think outside the box; go ahead and take that risk and venture out on your own, and/or do some further study. Don't hold back. Just go for it.

Exercise: think about the work you do, and/or the course you are currently studying. Write down ten things you love about what you're doing right now. If you don't know, ask yourself: "if I did know, what would these ten things be?"

After this, write down ten things you do not like about your current work and/or study. Come up with solutions with what you do not like. It may mean seeking a mentor, and/or changing your perspective around the situation.

Are there more positives than negatives? Any patterns emerging? What can you change to do more of what makes you happy?

Quality questions are everything. I took that leap of faith almost three years ago to quit law and move into freelance writing, even though there are many better writers than me out there. With hard work and persistence, combined with passion - your dreams will manifest.

If there are things that you're unhappy about in your career - is it because of a specific person you need to work with? The company itself?

Some further tips to help you:

  • Leave your work at work

  • If you work from home, ensure your office has a door, and is located in a separate room in your house. Relaxation comes from keeping your living room and work space separate.

  • Create clear career goals.

  • Give yourself a bit of time away from the computer and reflect on your work.

  • Just find out what you love doing, and find a way to do it.

  • #work

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