The Difference is Perception

The Difference is Perception

Posted 2014-01-06 by Mathilda K Burtonfollow
Its all about how someone perceives something

It's not like me to listen to anyone. I haven't since I was a teenager. People offer me advice left, right and center, but at the end of the day, I do whatever the hell I feel like doing.

But my dad has given me two great life lessons, one I have already written about on here about picking your battles, so here is the other one:

You may say the exact same thing to three different people, and all three of them will interpret it differently. Why? Because everyone has a different perception of the way something is said, of what particular words can imply about the context in which that thing was said. The list goes on.

That's why you have to be really careful with how you phrase something; who you say things to, and the nature in which you approach things. If not everything.

It's why there are different phone-etiquettes to distinguish when we are speaking to our boss, our parents, friends, clients, the doctor's office, everyone.

It's why we dress differently on a date than we would at home or at work, or going shopping with our friends.

It's why conversations on the Internet or in written form are hard to have, because you can't hear a person's tone of voice or see their body language.

The difference is perception, and it's something you always have to remember.

Just some words for thought.


251732 - 2023-07-18 07:27:20


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