The Answer Is to Go for a Walk
You have a million things to do and so little time. You are stressed and tired. It might sound crazy to suggest going for a walk when you are overwhelmed, have so much to do and don’t know where to start. However, it often helps. The exercise will make you breathe more deeply and get more oxygen into your lungs and your brain. Walking, especially in a natural environment helps you unwind. It is also a good chance to sort out your thoughts. It usually makes you feel happier and calmer. When you return you will be in a better frame of mind to get stuck into that ‘to do’ list.
You want to sit down and write but are suffering writer’s block. What can you do about it? Perhaps it sounds like going for a walk is just putting off actually writing. However, if you have no ideas at the moment and are panicking about it, a walk is likely to help. Try being mindful of walking and all the things around you. Take notice of the feel of the breeze, the sun on your back and how your feet feel as they move along. Look at the scenery. Smile and say hello to the people who you meet. Watch the butterflies and the birds. That walk may well help banish writer’s block.
You are feeling down in the dumps and just want to climb into bed and stay there. There may be a specific reason for your mood or you might just be having a negative day. The last thing you feel like doing is leaving the house and actually getting some exercise. However, it is very likely to lift your spirits. Fido would just love to go for a brisk walk in the fresh air so put on your walking shoes and go. Walking will release feel good hormones and you will feel better.
You are feeling lonely and isolated. Your reaction might be to shut yourself away and avoid contact with people because you feel no one wants you. A walk is what you need. As you walk, risk greeting the people you meet. Get really brave and tell someone you think their dog looks like he is enjoying his walk. You may have just initiated a short conversation.
Think about joining a walking group. I belonged to one some years back and found it a great way to make friends. Many people are more comfortable having a little chat as they walk rather than meeting new people for a coffee or in a formal setting. It is easy to find things to talk about while you walk because you can always make comments on your surroundings..
Walking has many psychological benefits. The next time you have a problem perhaps the answer is, go for a walk.
#_writer 's_Block
252433 - 2023-07-18 07:36:39
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