Tell Them You Like Them

Tell Them You Like Them

Posted 2014-02-23 by Artfollow

Let me paint a picture for you. After parking your car in front of the sea on a full moon day, you quietly sit down listening to your favourite song. And boom, there he is, in your thoughts, clear as a crystal. You turn to your best friend who has probably heard this a few times: "Should I tell him?" Your friend asks you "Are you sure?" Confusions and questions arise, and after debating both sides of the case you are still perplexed. If you tell him, what's the worst that can happen?

Fear of Rejection

Well it's good to be prepared for the worst. But if you tell him, you are saying more than just 'I like you. You're telling him you have put aside your ego and your love for him first. Remember if he says no, the loss is his and not yours.

I will lose his friendship

Come on. The minute you liked him, you knew he is more than a friend, and all that being nice to him isn't just friendship. So stop fooling yourself about the friendship bit, it's beyond that already. If you are good friends, there is more reason for you to be understood.

Am I good enough for him?

Now that is something you have to stop asking yourself right now. You have probably heard this before, but everyone is unique and beautiful in their own way. If you like him, then there is something special about him; but you might also realise over time the 'not so nice' bits of him. Everyone comes as a package with good and bad. So it really isn't about being good for the other person; it's all about pure acceptance.

You might have a few more questions, but at the end of the day, if you like him then let him know. Afterall the best feeling in this world is to know you are loved; then why not give that feeling to him? If you can compliment your best friend about her clothes and tell your mum her cooking is amazing; then why not tell him that he has won your heart. I am sure he deserves to know that much.

Being expressive is the best part of being in love. It simply changes life for the best.

So when is the call going to be??


252007 - 2023-07-18 07:30:17


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