Sucked Into Buying More To Find Solutions
Image Courtesy of photostock Some parents are falling for the consumerism trap for their kids.
If as parent’s we believe our kids are not smart enough; not skinny enough; not popular enough; not fast enough; not beautiful enough; not funny enough; not stylish enough; not competitive enough and not intelligent enough, we invest in solutions. We hunt down the best products and services to improve our offspring so that they will be successful.
If you’re thinking no way, that’s not me, I love my child just the way they are; then go ahed and take a look in your bathroom cupboard, on your kid’s computers and devices, and in the sports bags.
I'm pretty sure you have fallen into the trap just like me. Did you get your child braces so they had better teeth? Did you invest in tutoring? Did you buy them the latest software for school? Did you put them on a diet? I mean seriously, I think I even purchased a book called how to win your child friends. What was I thinking?? I was thinking what they wanted me to think…we are not good enough; therefore, I need to consume more things to make us good enough.
251857 - 2023-07-18 07:28:44
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