Strength Snapping

Strength Snapping

Posted 2014-10-06 by Artfollow
Photo by Manny

A Monk once mentioned, if you are elastic you are bound to break one day. As much as it can be true, it can also be challenged. Why would you break or is the question 'Why should you break??'

At a small party recently, when the guests were leaving I was trying to pack some food for them to take away. I took a container, filled it with some soup and looked for an elastic band to put around the container to hold it tight. When I tried at first, I pulled the band as far as I could to keep it around the container and it snapped. I then took another one and tried again and that snapped too. I told myself I should find a stronger one and the ones I used were weak and tried again. This time it held tight and with confidence I handed it over to my friend.

It did not strike me then in the hustle of happenings but when the party was over and the house empty, just like always I sat in my couch reliving all the happy moments and then I suddenly remembered this small incident. It occurred to me that I kept pulling an elastic band as far as I could and even after seeing it snap a couple of times , I didn’t stop trying the mechanism but just tried it on a stronger band. Ah, that's what it is. That's what I have learnt today from something so small and probably even stupid.

Then I realised, the key to being resilient is about being strong. Being so strong that no matter how much you are pulled you do not snap. It is not about giving up ( the mechanism) , it is not about saying I am no good, or it is not about mere patience. It is about being and more importantly staying strong through a rough patch and not allow yourself to snap.

Life is cheeky. It gives us all these wisdom in such disguise that sometimes we miss them and wonder and look for answers when they are right in our own hands. Staying resilient is an art. An art that will carve you to be a better person for yourself and for everyone around you. After all everyone who was once broken are the strongest you would ever meet.

Stay elastic and stay strong. Stay resilient and don't snap. You never know what you are holding together in the big picture called life.


252524 - 2023-07-18 07:38:21


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