Sticks and Stones Words Hurt

Sticks and Stones Words Hurt

Posted 2014-01-19 by amilafollow

“Because even the smallest of words can be the ones to hurt you, or save you.” & #8213 ; Natsuki Takaya

As kids, we have all heard of the expression “Sticks and Stones may break bones but words cannot hurt me”. It might have been ideal to use while on the playground defending oneself from the school bully however words can and do hurt. And the pain caused from them often lingers long past the healing time of any physical injury. Some words can cause pain that may never go away, or create an “invisible” scar that one carries around their entire life.

We are lucky to be a part of today’s modern society that encourages free thinking and speech.We can use our words to create a deeper impact and have a wider reach. On the positive side, we can spread messages of love and peace to the world. We can put kind posts on Facebook walls and support each other from all around the globe.

We have the power to use our words to make others happy.

On the other hand, we can hurt each other on an even deeper level than ever before, with just our words. Unfortunately, many kids today don’t just resort to name-calling on the playground as a form of bullying. They now use the power of the Internet to post terrible, hateful words they may not have ever even dared to utter in person – words so hurtful and cruel that many kids with bright futures have turned to suicide to escape from them.

Your words can cause harm.

Too often, we may say something without thought. We may believe what we are saying is right and may help. In fact, we can still cause damage with our words.

We may be challenging another person’s thought or actions. While we may all be speaking the same language, words can be misinterpreted or misread. Regardless of our best intentions, we can still cause pain with our words.


251836 - 2023-07-18 07:28:31


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