Starting Over It Can Be Done

Starting Over It Can Be Done

Posted 2014-05-23 by Colleen P Moynefollow
Image Courtesy of phasinphoto

We’ve all dreamed about it - about starting a whole new life; finding a new direction and reinventing ourselves.

It’s easy to fantasise about starting over, especially when things aren't going well for us, but is it possible? Could we really toss it all in for a new and better life?

The answer to this one depends on what your motivations are deep down, and why you’re not happy with your current situation.

Sure we can move to a new town, change jobs and leave a marriage - but people have a tendency to fall into old habits. Whatever demons bothered you in your old life will surely follow you to the next if they're not properly addressed.

So if your dream is to ‘run away’ from personal shortcomings, or to impulsively throw off all responsibility; I urge you to think again.

What I'm trying to say here is that creating a new life for yourself is possible if the motivation is right - if you're ready to broaden your experiences or try a new direction; but it’s not easy, and you have to be prepared to make sacrifices to have the life you truly want.

Several years ago I made a big change by choosing a new career direction and moving to a larger town with more opportunities. The job that I left behind had been comfortable and convenient at the time, but I felt I was becoming complacent.

There is a quote that goes something like “have you lived 15,000 days, or have you lived the same day 15,000 times?” That’s how I was starting to feel.

My new job not only helped me feel a part of my new community, but also led me to making new friends who helped me to overcome my shyness and become much more confident. When I look back, I really do feel that it was the start of a whole new life then; and my decision to make changes for myself has also benefitted my children.

So yes, it’s scary to make big changes in your life. We don't know what awaits us around the corner, but as long as we prepare for the unexpected and don't burn any bridges behind us, we can look forward to the challenges that a new life can bring.

If we're going to change direction, it has to be a plan for the betterment of our soul, and not just for the sake of getting out of a bad situation quickly.


252200 - 2023-07-18 07:32:31


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