Starting a Gratitude Journal
I was recently at a relative's house and they were putting their two lovely little girls to bed.
Part of the nightly routine was for the parents to ask: "What was the best thing about today?"
For one the best thing was the amazing dinner her mother had cooked and the other was delighted by the fact she had scored her first ever goal at basketball.
The parent's didn't ask them about the worst thing that happened to them that day. I guess because the idea is that the girls could go to bed thinking about something positive which is always a good aid to sleep.
It got me thinking about how adults might replicate that experience in their own lives.
I guess the universe was listening as the term "gratitude journal" starting popping up in a couple of podcasts I was listening to on health and well-being.
I thought about buying a new diary and writing positive things in it every day but unfortunately I suffer from "doctor's handwriting (without the medical degree I might add) as well as extreme bouts of forgetfulness.
So I thought maybe there was such a thing as a online abundance journal so I could type in my thoughts.
I was delighted to find out that are many such journals online.
The beauty of these free journals is that they send you a daily email reminder (at a time you specify) to write in your journal.
I'm a night person so mine is set for 11pm.
The task isn't onerous because you might just write one line although you can write as much as you wish. There is also the ability to add a photo.
You can also retrieve your entries at any time and print them out if you wanted a physical record.
The benefits of a gratitude journal are many. They keep you positive about your life. Done at night they allow you to sleep better as you go to bed in a positive frame of mind. They also provide you with a record of your year to look back over at times when you a perhaps not at your happiest. Best of all they help you to see the positive moments in your life and that is empowering in itself.
251720 - 2023-07-18 07:27:10