Six Tips for Starting Your Day Happy
It is probably easier to start the day in a happy mood if you are a morning person with no children to organise for school and you don't have to be at work early. It is probably easier if you don't struggle to get an aching body out of bed and if you love eating breakfast. Whatever your personal situation, I hope there is at least one tip here that helps you start your day in a happy mood.
Looking at flowers early in the day boosts happiness and energy levels. ImageMarie Vonow
1. Listen to your favourite music.
Listening to music you enjoy is a great way to get you into a positive frame of mind. Music with a quick beat should boost your energy and enthusiasm. On the other hand, music with a slower beat can calm feelings of anxiety.
2. Avoid the News
Don't listen to or watch the News. Don't start your day by reading about the latest disaster, murder, tragedy and scandal. You can catch up on world affairs later in the day but when you do, try to find out about some positive events as well as the negative.
3. Look at flowers
A study at Harvard University found people are more energetic and happier when they look at flowers soon after getting up. They are also feel more compassion for others and have less anxiety.
You might choose to have a single rose in a bud vase or a bunch of flowers, either small or large.
4. Eat your breakfast by a window or eat outside
This is likely to tie in with the previous tip. If you can see flowers as you eat your breakfast in a pleasant spot you get an extra happiness boost.
A dose of sunlight boosts your happiness and helps you wake up properly. Sitting by a window or eating outside will provide you with the best opportunity to get some sunshine. (If you have to get up early or it's winter, this tip may not work but it's one to remember for the weekend or when the days are longer.)
5. Eat something you enjoy for breakfast
Breakfast is often a rushed bowl of cereal or a boiled egg with a piece of toast. It's not usually a meal one savours. However, with some forethought it can be a more imaginative and enjoyable meal. Even buying some really nice bread for your toast and a different variety of spread could make breakfast more enjoyable.
People who have the time could choose to make something more interesting like an omelette, if not every day, perhaps once a week. (Check out the interesting recipes in Recipe Yum.)
6. Think of something nice you will do that day
Avoid focussing on the long list of things you need to get through and making yourself feel overwhelmed. Think of at least one activity you will do during the day that is fun or enjoyable. If you can't think of anything perhaps you need to make a point of planning something nice to do each day.
Perhaps the ideal morning is one where you turn on your favourite music as soon as you wake and avoid exposure to the News. You eat an enjoyable breakfast by a sunny window (or outside) and look at flowers as you eat. As you eat breakfast you think about the fun things you will do that day. It may not be possible every day, but perhaps on your day off.
252827 - 2023-07-18 07:42:48