Reflection on Easter Symbology
Easter is a wonderful expression of the cycle of life, death and rebirth. It is a time of
Celebration, Reflection and Sacred Connection with the Divine - however you personally choose to connect with the Divine.
Easter provides us with an opportunity to spend quality time with the people we love most in life and to share the abundance of what we have with other beings. It is a time to reflect on the Mysteries that Easter can provide to help us in our lives.
Thankfully, it is also an opportunity to eat copious amounts of fabulous chocolate too! I love that.
When I contemplate the symbolism of Easter, I am filled with an understanding that Jesus Christ not only lived his life to the best of his ability as a human being, but embodied what it is to be a deeply spiritual being who listened to the Divine and centred his life around the Sacred Wisdom that flowed through him.
There is
a lesson here about quieting down and taking time to come to the Divine and commune with Spirit. It is about deepening your personal relationship with the Divine and connecting within yourself at the same time.
Personally, I have, at times, forgotten to be quiet enough to hear the wisdom of Spirit as they whisper to my soul. Easter is a timely reminder for me to meditate and commune once again.
His gracious surrender to the Will of the Divine allowed his body to be the ultimate sacrifice for humanity.
This in itself is a very powerful image in the psyche of humanity around the world.
I sometimes wonder, do we truly understand the depths of the sacrifice this person made for humanity?
I am not sure I have the ability to truly comprehend something so profound.
However, I can understand the power of surrendering up to Spirit what no longer serves me in my life. This is a symbolic surrendering of, say, an unhelpful negative attitude that has been hindering my progress in life.
I have noticed that when I willingly surrender the deadwood in my life up to Spirit, it is transformed and my connection with the Divine strengthens. As an added bonus, I grow spiritually more self-awareness and develop my understanding of the world I relate to.
There is something incredibly exciting about learning to work with the Divine rather than fighting against it.
As the teachings describe, Jesus Christ was resurrected and so we all have an opportunity to forgive and be forgiven in life.
Forgiveness does not take the acts away or excuse behaviour, however, it does negate our spiritual debts to one another and releases us from the shackles that bind us to the past.
Through the act of forgiveness we free ourselves from past events, anger and other pain that has kept us emotional and spiritual prisoners for far too long.
Forgiveness is a gift of love that is the birth right of all beings in this world.
One of the lessons in the resurrection, for me, is that I can rise above the things that have harmed me. I can be like the phoenix being reborn from the ashes and I think this is something that is accessible to all people.
In a way,
choosing to forgive is akin to setting yourself free and blossoming into the absolutely beautiful person you were always meant to be.
May you have a safe and happy Easter.
May you and your loved ones enjoy your time together and may you take a moment to reflect on what spiritual gifts Easter has hidden in it's Mysteries just for you.
Pheonix Rising Watercolour - Shapland Art 2011
252102 - 2023-07-18 07:31:20