Recovering From Depression A Three Part Approach
We hear and read so much information about anxiety and depression, most of it urging us to seek professional help and, in most cases, take prescribed medication.
This is sound advice and certainly should be followed. We should also learn as much as we can about any medications we are prescribed so that we know we’re using them correctly and getting the most effect from them.
But all the medication and all the therapy in the world won't fix the problem without the third, and most important, component of recovery - addressing whatever triggered our depression in the first place.
For some of us, the answers lie far back in our past and the opportunity to act to change those circumstances is lost. In this instance, learning to let go is the healthiest thing for us. I've learned that the difficulties I experienced in my younger years stemmed from living with a mother who had severe mental health issues. Though she is no longer alive I've learned to accept, forgive and move on. She had no understanding of her own issues so therefore can't be held responsible for mine.
A therapist or psychologist can only work with what we are prepared to tell them, so it’s important to be honest and open with them in order for them to help us pinpoint the cause of our anxiety or depression. Family issues, job or money problems are pretty common triggers.
What we need to come to terms with is that addressing the cause of our depression could mean making radical changes in our life, yet at the same time we need to ensure that those decisions are being made in a clear and rational way and for the right reasons.
This is why recovery has to be a three-part process; therapy, the right medication and resolution.
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