Reasons To Get Your Writing Published

Reasons To Get Your Writing Published

Posted 2016-07-31 by Marie Vonowfollow
Image by Marie Vonow

Some writers use their writing as a tool to deal with personal issues and they have no desire to publish any of it. In fact the idea of anyone else seeing their writing is their worst nightmare. There are some who write just for their own amusement and love the freedom of knowing their work is for their eyes only. Others write just for their children or grandchildren with no intention of publication. Then there are those who want to be a published writer and will put all their energy into achieving this aim.

There are many reasons for wanting to become a published writer.

To make money
There are ways to make money through getting things you write published. The amount varies from a few cents per article to a proper wage but payment isn't always available. Not everyone who attempts to make writing a way of supporting themselves is successful. Some don't even make pin money.

There are blogs, articles, online courses and face to face courses with information about making money from writing. These usually include mention of some of the pitfalls and risks.

For personal satisfaction
Perhaps you don't care about making money, you just want the satisfaction of seeing your work in print. You may want to see your proper name in print or prefer to use a pen name.

To help others
Perhaps you have survived a traumatic experience and you want to give others advice or hope. You may want to say to people you may never meet, 'Hey, I've been there and it was a rotten experience but I survived and so can you.' Some people in this situation publish a book of poems. They may sell the book but with the aim of covering their costs, not making a profit. Alternatively, they may donate the proceeds to a charity which supports people going through a similar experience.

To teach others
You may want to give others advice or show them how to make things. Perhaps you enjoy sharing the things you have learnt with others and start a personal blog to do this. Published writing is a way of passing on hints to others.

To leave something for your children
Some people want to get their writing published so there is a physical reminder of their existence when they pass away. A printed book is something which can be held by children and grandchildren and passed on through future generations. An online record can include video footage and photos and can be free.

To record family or community history
Family histories can be printed in book form or put on the internet so information is not lost. Photos or video clips can be included. A record of family history helps people see where they fit in. Stories and anecdotes can be fascinating.

To build up your credibility
Getting your writing published in hard copy or online may be part of your strategy to promote a business or help you get a promotion. You have an online presence for others to check out. You can direct interested parties to your writing so they can see what you can do.

To share your ideas with others
You may have a message or a cause you want to promote. It could be related to the environment, personal development, health, political or social change or another topic important to you. Your thoughts presented in hard copy or online can make others think. This may influence them to see the bigger picture or even change their mind about something.

To uplift or entertain others
Perhaps you just want to make people feel good or laugh. Poems, short stories and articles can be uplifting and this knowledge may be enough to make you feel you are giving something to others.

There are many reasons people want publication of their writing, whatever form it takes. These days it can be quite easy to get work published especially on the internet and if you aren't looking to make a living from it. The satisfaction of seeing one's writing published can be enough to make one keep on writing and submitting.


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