New Month New Start
Last month was a terrible month for me personally, as you could probably gather from my last few written posts.
I had to take time out to calm down and escape from things that were troubling me at home and at work, as well as with my uni life.
Last month was indeed a terrible month.
My partner and I weren't talking or listening to each other anymore, and we were just co-existing alongside one another.
My work took a turn for the worst. I still had my friends, but it seemed like no matter what I did or what day I worked - something always went wrong.
My uni work was suffering as I allowed the rest of my troubles to get in the way of me completing a vital component of my work, and what I did manage to write was not my best work.
And to top it all off, my car was broken into.
But saying that, by the very end of February my luck started to turn around.
Nothing was in fact taken from my car, and my car was still there because one of my friends caught the boys who broke into my car.
My uni work - even though took a beating from my personal life, actually picked up as my mistakes informed my teacher and myself where my short comings were, and how to correct my written work accordingly.
Even though I can’t change what had happened at work, I was able to move past the bad stuff and concentrate on the good things - such as how many other people can say that they actually like going to work, as they get to spend it with their friends and have good, quick conversations in between work.
And the then major problem that needed to be sorted was the partner troubles.
We spent most of February arguing. Fighting. Being spiteful to one another.
But every couple goes through a rough patch. I know that there are always going to be bumps in the road of any relationship, but it doesn’t make them any less painful.
However after many long nights talking and fighting, and even more talking and fighting; we managed to sort through our problems. Acknowledging faults on both sides, and that we do need to spend more time being together rather then just living together.
And we have both agreed that this new month will be a new start for us.
So far this month has been a lot better then the last.
I took the first week off of this month to do nothing.
Not to work. Not to write. Not to worry about anything.
Just to relax and think. Think about what I want. Think about where I wanted to go.
And I'm thrilled to realise that even though my life may not be where I want it to be right now, I am with who I want to be with.
I need to remind myself every now and then, that no matter how hard my life may appear at the time, there is always a solution to every problem.
That instead of creating a mountain out of a mole hill, people should always talk to one another rather then let problems escalate.
And that every cloud has a silver lining: where it be a work, personal or other related problem. The trick its in finding it.
252043 - 2023-07-18 07:30:40