Making the Most of Spring

Making the Most of Spring

Posted 2014-09-23 by Justine lovittfollow
Image by kangtong on The sheer aesthetic beauty of Spring is only the beginning of why you should celebrate this season

For myself, I find Spring to be my favourite season of the four. I thought I might share with you ten top reasons to celebrate Spring!

1. The sun is shining, the temperature is moderate, flowers are appearing – the general atmosphere is pleasant in itself and is enough, I find, to be uplifting to one’s consciousness.

2. It is a great time to “Spring-Clean”. In Winter and Autumn I find it too cold to really have the energy to start going through the house, and in Summer, the weather where I live in Brisbane can become significantly humid. This weather is probably similar to varying degrees in Australia. Spring is the time where the sun coming through the windows in the morning awakens one naturally due to melatonin responses in the brain. We can get up early. Spring-cleaning can actually be great fun. While the conditions are right, why not get rid of the old, and find the new!

3. It’s a great chance to discard the frumpy, heavy winter garments, and whatever your style, whether it be dresses, skirts, or tank-tops and cute denim pants to feel better about yourself.

4. I find it the best month to exercise. It is the kind of season where swimming is suitable, as well as other exercise. It is easier to want to get out there when it’s a bit warmer, but it’s not so hot it becomes unpleasant and you feel demotivated to initiate exercise.

5. It is great weather to go to the beach. The sun is moderate but not so intense as to increase the risk of sun-burn, and importantly in Australia, melanoma. The water is pleasant too.

6. It is a great time to garden. Spring naturally encourages wonderful fruition and blossoming of seeds of many types, provided they are well cared for.

7. The days are ‘longer’ in the sense it is light for greater lengths of time during the day. Therefore we are able to get up earlier and do things until later, allowing us to achieve greater productivity.

8. It is the time of year where even though some mosquitos, snakes, toads and other ‘unfriendlies’ are around a bit, they are not as commonplace as in Summer.

9. It is so beautiful, but not so humid as Summer as to increase storms, and damage, with resulting rain. We don’t have those windy Autumn days.

10. It is still cool enough at nights to have a good night’s sleep without wishing you had air-conditioning, or needing to use electricity of air-conditioning if you do have it.

So smile – September, October, November….! Be happy all year around of course. However, these are the top reasons I find Spring triumphs.

#_spring -cleaning

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