Looking Forward to Rainy Days

Looking Forward to Rainy Days

Posted 2015-09-11 by Justine lovittfollow
Many of us think of rain as depressing however here are some reasons for a wet day to brighten your mood Image courtesy of koratmember at freedigitalphotos.net

I have not actually surveyed people I know regarding their weather preferences. However, if I can glean from memory the majority of hearsay, it would seem that most people have reported preferring warm, sunny days.

The reasons for this are self-evident enough. By nature sunny days are bright and therefore may have an uplifting effect on one’s mood. Also a moderate degree of warmth is pleasant.

However, my mind cast back to a particular friend who loved rainy days, and I remember feeling only puzzlement! For to me, rainy days are associated with grey, overcast skies, with cool, unpleasant drizzle only prevented by a somewhat cumbersome umbrella. At any rate, I could not fathom a rationale for excitement regarding rainy days.

However, the other day I found myself snug inside on such a day, wet, overcast and actually pouring down. Other reasons for actually embracing such weather with a degree of affection occurred to me.

1. A practical reason to look forward to a rainy day for those with conscientiousness towardness gardening is that it renders this task unnecessary!

2. Even though humid conditions that precipitate stormy weather can herald the onset of summer, I can only speak personally when I assert that this is preferable to hot, sweltering weather. Such weather can be associated with uncomfortable lethargy and inertia, leading to difficulty feeling comfortable during the day, as well as achieving a good night’s sleep.

3. As a follow-on from the respite afforded by rainy days, is the cosiness and snugness that can be afforded during wet weather. Watching television or reading a good book can seem all the more comfortable. Housework can somehow seem, even by default, a positive option in rainy weather. The cooler weather can also help feelings of productivity.


252748 - 2023-07-18 07:41:30


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