Live Purposefully

Live Purposefully

Posted 2014-01-13 by Justine lovittfollow

Step forward with purpose so your journey is a meaningful one. Image courtesy of

Don’t let life just happen to you. Decide, with enthusiasm, to live your life on purpose. Don’t let things happen accidentally. Take the steering wheel of life, and consciously turn the way you want to go.

Bring your goals to the foremost of your mind - not something you just think of because you find your resolutions journal. A way to make them the pivot around which your life revolves is to review them every morning first, before you do anything else. While they are fresh in your mind, they can then become what anchors you to success throughout the day. Bring your goals to life in your mind so that their realisation becomes vivid, exciting and meaningful to you. Do this by visualising each one being achieved, and how you will feel.

Become conscious of when you are behaving reactively and impulsively. Take a step back, and reorient yourself toward meaningful actions.

Take time to constantly take stock and evaluate how your plans are going, whether you are on the right track, or whether you need to slow down and consider whether a new direction needs to be taken. When you have found that you have taken a turn that was not planned; go back to what you were doing that was in accordance with you goals.

Living your life with purpose requires self-awareness so that you know when to rest physically, and knowing when to let some things happen spontaneously for a while to give yourself a mental break. And also knowing when to allow yourself to become conscious and self-directed again. It requires that you know when you are letting life direct you, and when you are just letting things happen. It means you walk at your own pace, and march to the beat of your own drum.

If you have setbacks, be gentle with yourself, and resolve to do things differently next time. If they were beyond your control, accept them as being a part of life and move forward. Don't lose your sense of purpose.

At the end of the day, it is very important to let go and relax completely. Make this as purposeful as your directed activities.

Walk forward at your own pace, and know that each step you take is a journey towards a richer, more meaningful and fulfilling life.


251792 - 2023-07-18 07:28:02


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