Listen and youll know which way to go
To be, who I want to be
To say, what I want to say
To feel, what my body tells me
To listen, listen and I'll know which way to go
To see, all that's around me
To hear, everyone I meet
To enjoy, all the things I have
To listen, Listen, and I'll know which way to go.
To appreciate, the beauty, it's everywhere
To take, risks at every opportunity
To live, life and to love it
Listen, Listen and I'll know which way to go.
I wrote these verses while listening to that voice deep within me. At the time I was on a 26 day challenge course in the rainforests of northern Queensland, and I had lots of time to listen.
Now I aspire to live by these words, of course I don't always. I get caught up in various distractions, and then I remember and the world is somehow brighter again.
Through listening we can become our best
I believe that each of us has our own unique gifts and path or which we travel, our own unique drum beat that we follow, and when we are listening we give ourselves the best opportunity to share our uniqueness and to be our best in this world we live in.
What is Listening?
To listen is to spend time with the most important person in your world - YOU. Right now tune in to what is present within you. Listen: to your inner most thoughts; to your feelings; your senses; your breath; the sensations in your body; and then the world around you. Listen.
Take the time to listen everyday. To listen you need to spend time with you, being and paying attention to yourself. Hangout in your favourite places, sit, walk. My favourite places to listen are in nature, along my local creek or under a tree.
Some of the benefits of listening
From my experience of listening, I can say that through listening you will gain greater self knowledge and also a greater faith in yourself. I personally feel more confident in my choices and decisions. And above all this a practice of listening will give you a greater faith in this world that we are all apart of.
I plan on making listening a part of my life, and not just of my life but providing opportunities for others to listen, what about you? Will you take time to listen?
To be who I want to be.
To be who you want to be
Listen, listen and we'll know which way to go.
252736 - 2023-07-18 07:41:20