Less Clutter Project Part 5 Get A Buddy

Less Clutter Project Part 5 Get A Buddy

Posted 2016-12-30 by Marie Vonowfollow
Image courtesy of Pixabay

The decluttering process can take a long time, even years. You may not have that much clutter, I mean your home would never be considered for a TV show on hoarders, but still there is 'stuff' you don't use and are having trouble making a decision about. Guilt may be an issue. This is where it can help to have a 'decluttering buddy' or two to refer to.

Usually I can make decluttering decisions independently. In fact, I don't want anyone to help me decide which clothes to cull from my wardrobe.

Some things are easy peasy decisions. It's broken and can't be fixed so it's going in the bin. It's a lovely dress but it's too small and I am going to donate it to a charity op shop. I don't use that any more but a friend would so I'll give it to her.

Then there are decisions I have trouble with. These are often items given to me by a family member or inherited from someone who has passed.

Things that someone made and gave me years ago are tricky, more so if the person has passed away. I may never use the item now even though I did once. It may be kept in the back of a cupboard or the bottom of a drawer. I still appreciate the work and love that went into making it. The memory of the person who made it is as strong as ever in my heart. I am so grateful that person was a part of my life. However, the item itself is no longer important.

Olivia Newton-John sums it up when she said, 'My memories are inside me - they're not things or a place - I can take them anywhere.' I have come to see memories are not things or objects, however I may feel guilty about parting with such an item connected to memories.

I have recently found it helpful to talk through the pros and cons of keeping a tricky item with a friend. There are two people I turn to, people who understand my dilemma and let me talk it through. Neither will try to talk me into keeping the item. If it seems I am moving toward deciding to part with the item but I am uncertain, both leave the final decision to me so I never feel pushed into it.

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Talking helps me sort out the thoughts going on in my head. Sometimes a friend will suggest options, but without pressure.

Both these people have a similar outlook on the importance of not being overwhelmed by clutter. They share my desire to be surrounded by things we love, things that are important in some way and make our hearts sing. They have/are going through the process of parting with 'stuff' that isn't used or that doesn't bring joy so they understand why I want to make these decisions.

When either of these friends want to talk about their latest decluttering project or a difficult decision I am there to listen. I am their sounding board while they work out whether they want to keep a particular item or let it go.


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