Kinesiology Funshop Morning with Marney Perna
Marney Perna and the workshop attendees talking about their experiences
Marney Perna mentions that she is Kinesiologist, most people ask
"what is that?"
Marney takes this in her stride and tells them
"it is a natural therapy that identifies blockages in your emotional, physical and chemical areas of the your life, and helps to restore the balance."
She goes on to add that
"as a result, you will feel calmer and able to cope in life. Other benefits are that you will enjoy better sleep, reduce injury recovery time and trauma."
Marney also enjoys assisting people, young and more mature to enhance their learning ability through the use of kinesiology techniques.
I went along to Marney's Kinique'ly for You Fun-Shop and Pamper Session to find out more on how kinesiology can help reduce stress.
It was a fun and interactive morning with the ladies in the group. We had a great time re-setting our central meridians, and had quite a good laugh at ourselves too.
Marney Perna explaining how Kinesiology works
I learned that Kinesiology is a natural therapy that works through muscle testing, where your body provides responses to pressure and informs the practitioner of what is most beneficial for your body and your ailments.
I also learned about
switching. It sounds funny but it works. Basically, you run your palm face up from your pubic bone up the centre of the body to the chin point three times. It helps to balance the left and the right brains, and brings your energy into harmony. That's pretty cool!
We all had a go at learning muscle testing with a partner as an introduction to understanding how kinesiology works to allow the body to communicate with the practitioner.
Then Marney took us through her 10 top stress buster techniques for emptying our stress buckets:
1. Smile.
It's something that you can do for free and share it with other people. Smiling helps you release happy endorphins that will help reduce stress. Keep on smiling.
2. Breathe.
We were encouraged to be mindful of our breath as it can tell us a lot about how we are dealing with stressful situations.
Short, sharp breaths indicate high stress levels, and deep breaths help calm the nervous system.
3. Language.
Instead of saying
"I have a problem" - Marney asked us change it and say something like
"I have a challenge."
Our stress levels lower because the emphasis is on finding a solution, and not on feeling stuck.
4. Flip the Card.
Marney asked us to find the positive benefit/s in every bad situation. She said,
"flipping the card over will defuse stress in the body and mind."
5. Best Evers.
Marney encouraged us to reframe the way we 'see' things in our mind to go from dis-empowerment to empowerment, so we can have the best ever moments in a bad situation.
Doing this gives our brains time to pause and think clearly, and therefore we can come up with appropriate solutions.
6. Compliment.
We took a moment to notice how well we are already doing, and to then acknowledge it. We thanked ourselves for a job well-done.
Marney asked us to
"accept compliments and say thank you in return, rather then rejecting this positive affirmation of your self-worth."
7. Attitude.
We learned that choosing to have a positive attitude can bring our energy levels up. Choosing to stay in a negative attitude can have us wallowing in the mud of self-pity. I know which mental playground I'd rather be in.
8. Exercise.
Yes, believe it or not, exercise is good for us. Who would have thought?
I learned that moving reduces stress and helps the lymphatic system to function better. Plus I have more oxygen going to my brain, and that will help with gaining clarity around difficult situations.
9. Identify Stress.
I learned that there are many stressors in the world around me. Some I can do something about, while others are out of my control.
Marney discussed how the environment can have an effect on stress levels, and that it is important for you to consider what is around you. She encouraged reflection on what environmental stressors you can reduce your exposure to, and to then take action accordingly.
10. Memories.
I learned the importance of focusing on the happy memories to help keep my nervous system calm. Some people don't have many happy moments to draw on, so Marney suggested that we can visualise a safe space that makes us feel happy as an alternative.
This was such a fun workshop, and I am so pleased I got to go along.
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