Keeping On Track With Resolutions
It might be February, but its only the warming period for Resolutions. So, dont be discouraged if you are behind where you wanted to be with your goals. Remember You Can because its true. Image courtesy of Stuart Miles
Even though it is now mid-way through February, my goals for 2014 (aka resolutions) have been slow to take off.
I am not being overly critical with myself as a result of this, however, I think most of Australia has suffocated under an oppressive heat wave this year. I am not sure, but I really do think it’s the hottest summer we’ve had in years.
I’ve also had some personally upsetting events in my life, as well as an ongoing struggle with depression.
Nonetheless, I think every single person has limitations of one kind or another that weigh down upon them, hence feeling burdensome at times. I am hardly unique. I believe every individual has a cross to bear.
As such, despite it sometimes being a struggle, I also see my goals are exciting and a challenge; and importantly, something I
can achieve. Also, I see myself as part of the human race; no different to anyone else. I don’t think I am the only one who has had goals that they haven’t fulfilled to the degree they would have liked to.
I hope this article won’t seem too clichéd, but I wanted to stress that we all
do have so much within us that is untapped, and when potentiated, can release an enormous firing surge of satisfaction - of which will be fuel for our continuing endeavours.
I want to say that, even though it is February, it is still very early in the year. Besides, who says that
resolutions have to be formed from the 1st of January anyway?
Ask yourself, have I done the best I can,
considering the circumstances in my life, and also embracing the fact I am human, and not some automaton? Of course you have. If you could have done more, you would have.
That’s not to say that there’s so much more that you could do, should that be your aspiration. Here are some things that hold us back, and when recognised, can be seen as half the solution to the problem. These are things you’ve heard before, I’ve no doubt, but nonetheless I have to pep talk myself with reminders. Therefore I thought I’d share these thoughts with you as well:
1. Essentially, trite as it sounds,
negative thoughts can and will
hold you back. Likewise positive thoughts provide "soul fuel" to keep your spirit high, and fosters some self-belief. There’s no really simple answer that doesn’t require work and time. However, self-awareness provides a key that can open the doorway to understanding ourselves. Sometimes, rather than replacing the negative thought with a positive thought, which does work, it can also be ignored. For example, the other day I felt depressed. My close friend told me that there’s nothing like exercise to lift her mood. I knew this factually. I usually would tell myself “it won’t work,” however I just stopped thinking; hopped on my bike; rode for 6km, and felt brilliant for the rest of the night.
Are your expectations of yourself realistic? If they are too high, then you will always be disappointed with yourself, no matter what your achievements are. Before you go ahead pursuing your goals and dreams, remember to conquer them in baby steps. You will be given a boost of confidence because success is easy, and this will spur you on to further and greater efforts.
What is your organisation like? Included in this paradigm necessary for success is effective time-management. Have you written down what you hope to do in a day, or are you kind of hoping it happens, without thinking of the best times to achieve your goals? You need to set yourself realistic plans that you have in front of you, and that you can see to keep you on track. Relevant to the hot summer months is working if possible in the mornings, and in the evenings when it's cooler.
4. This goes with the importance of keeping your expectations realistic,
but are you also planning and setting aside time for nurturing yourself; for rest and relaxation? You wouldn’t expect your car to keep driving without ever stopping at the petrol station. Likewise you need to get plenty of sleep, rest and relaxation, pleasure time, and good nutrition.
Anything which is in line with your values, which you can believe in your abilities regarding carrying it out can be achieved. Remember to keep you goals realistic. Be kind to yourself. You will naturally shine. Go for it, and enjoy the journey.
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