Jail 2
If you came from
here - the answer is no.
Son came home and told me his brother had gone to jail. I had refused to go to court because I'd been there, done that - another time.
Had cooked a wonderful dinner and sat down to it not tasting anything. Did the dishes, said goodnight and went into my room to howl.
Later - letter arrived later from son. Read it over and over.
When someone goes to jail they can apply for visitor permission. Its up to the visitor to decide whether or not to go.
Thought about what
we'd talked about when he was younger.
Was I ashamed?
No. I didn't do it. His choice to muck around and not get things seen to.
No. I wasn't the first to have a kid in jail and won't be the last.
No. Was happy I'd done my best as a parent.
No. He's an adult. His life.
But I didn't love him any less and wanted to see him.
Justified everything in my head to allow myself to. Didn't hurt anyone, didn't steal anything. I could live with that.
So I changed the rules and went to see him.
You came! (Happy expression.) Why?
To tell you to pay your bloody fines in future.
I went back on what I'd said. Changed the rules. Will visit once - and that's it.
Lessons from this story
Sometimes you act differently than you think you would have.
Changing your mind on something is okay - if you can live with it.
Speculation and reality are two different worlds.
Image "Prisoner of the Heart" by Q Thomas Bower under license cc by 2.0
251585 - 2023-07-18 07:25:35