Its Never Too late

Its Never Too late

Posted 2014-05-27 by Colleen P Moynefollow
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“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream another dream” (CS Lewis)

Do you ever hear yourself using the excuse that “I'm too old” or “It’s too late”? Has this attitude prevented you from exploring a new direction or finally realizing a long-held dream?

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Well, I'm here to debunk that myth. While you're still alive and kicking there’s still time to learn, try, experience whatever it is that’s simmering away in your heart.

How sad it is to think that we might get to the end of the journey and find that we missed some of the best detours and stop-overs along the way?

I've gathered here a list of prime examples of people who have achieved amazing ‘firsts’ late in life. I hope that this will give you the impetus you need to take the first step.

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• Mary Wesley, an English novelist, had her first novel published in 1983 when she was seventy years old. She went on to write nine more in her lifetime.

• Anna Perumal from Sydney, Australia took her first skiing lesson at the age of sixty-three.

• Jack McKeon at the age of eighty was appointed head coach of an American Major League Baseball team.

• Marvis Lingren began running in her sixties and still competes all over the world at the age of ninety.

• Ben Levinsen at one hundred and three years old was still setting world records for shot-put for men over one hundred years old.

• Bernerd Herzberg, Britain’s oldest learner completed an MA in refugee studies at the University of East London at the age of ninety-six years.

• Leo Tolstoy learned to ride a bicycle at age sixty-seven.

• Thomas Edison produced the telephone at eighty-four.

• Tesichi Igarishi celebrated his one hundredth birthday by climbing the 12,395-foot high Mount Fuji.

• Hilga Crooks climbed Mount Everest, for the first time, at the age of ninety, and then did it another half-dozen times over her next decade!

• Rajo Devi, an Indian woman gave birth to her first child at the age of seventy after receiving fertility treatment.

• Gilbert Herrick got married for the first time at the age of ninety-nine.

• Walter Zacariushad saw his first novel published when he was eighty-one. He also went sky-diving for the first time at the age of sixty-five.

• Kimani Maruge, a Kenyan tribesman enrolled in school for the first time at the age of eighty-four. His story is now the subject of a movie ‘The First Grader’.

• Jeff Telljohn from Wapakoneta, Ohio tried weightlifting for the first time at the age of sixty-one. He is now in his seventies and competes regularly.

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They make us look pretty lame, hey? So let’s stop using the old excuses and start working toward realising our dreams.


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