How To Stay Stress Free During The Christmas Period

How To Stay Stress Free During The Christmas Period

Posted 2014-12-18 by SJPfollow
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When December hits, everyone gets into a huge panic, with Christmas only weeks away. Car parks and shopping centers are full of people in a havoc trying to do all the last minute things. Being stress free this Christmas is the best way to enjoy the ‘silly season’. Here are a few tips to survive the craziness that is occurring around you.

1. Have A List
Write down everything you need for Christmas. You can’t expect to remember everything during this the Christmas season with extra events and activities occurring during the lead up. Have Christmas present lists, shopping lists and checklists with everything else you need to remember. You will be surprised how much you will rely on these lists, as it is not easy to remember everything.

2. Don’t Leave Things Last Minute
Start your Christmas shopping early. Don’t wait for the last couple of weeks of December to purchase what you need. Not only will the shops be busy but also items you need may be sold out due to high demand.

Another great way to minimise your workload near Christmas is to wrap your presents as you go. Don’t wait until Christmas Eve as you may be over whelmed, which can result in a sleep deprived Christmas.

3. Say No When Necessary
During December, our social calendars may be packed with many outings and parties. If you feel overwhelmed, it is ok to say no to catch ups. If you cannot catch up before Christmas there is always time after Christmas and the New Year.

4. Keep A Budget
Seeing a maxed out credit card after Christmas is very common and can definitely be stressful working out how to pay it off. Allocate a maximum amount for each person. This will allow you to keep a strict budget and not get shocked with the credit card statements.

5. Shop Online
Avoid the shops by shopping online. This is a great option if you do not want to brace the crowds. However, ensure you do not leave it too late due to the amount of time needed for shipping.

Enjoy the Christmas period by stress proofing your Christmas. Take in account these stress free tips to allow you to enjoy the silly season and get through it with ease. Merry Christmas!


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