How to Cope with Being Bullied and Defamed
While we're more likely to hear about bullies who are children, there are people that turn from child bullies to adult bullies. Bullies in childhood are hard to deal with, but there's some sympathy for children. As adults, we're expected to get over it.
What is Bullying?
It's easy to spot in children. A big kid pushes a little kid off the swing because the big kid wants it. A mean girl tells another little girl that her dress is ugly. Bullying if most often one child being mean, abusive or violent towards another.
Bullying is when one person or group is deliberately mean, violent or cruel to another person. There doesn't have to be a reason for it. In adults, it can be quite different than it is for children. Adult bullies are sly and manipulative. They don't walk up and punch you to exert power. Often, they are in authority positions that give them an excuse to be cruel.
bullying can happen at work , school or online. Cyber bullying is common now as more and more people are online. Bullies troll the Internet with their verbal bullying. They pick a random or not-so-random person to trash based on their appearance, their family or their posts.
How to Fight Back Against Bullying
It can be tough to call out a bully for what they do. Many victims feel like they're being oversensitive, or it's their own fault. Adult bullying is a bit harder to identify since it's cloaked in a mask of authority or subtle manipulation. If you feel worse after being in someone's company, you should evaluate how that person made you feel the way you did. Try not to blame yourself for the bullying.
Bullies often pick on people that they feel won't fight back. A bully gets joy from being cruel to someone who won't stand up for themselves. They are careful to do it when no one else is around to call them out for their actions too. While it's bound to be extremely difficult, victims of bullying have to stand up for themselves.
They have to stand tall and declare that they won't take it anymore .
In some cases, that won't be enough to get a bully to stop. You'll have to tell a person in authority, or have a friend nearby to witness the bullying.
From Bullying to Defamation
If you've ever been to the comment section of a website, you've seen the random comments fuelled by a seeming hatred for all humanity. The comments might have nothing to do with the content on the page, but it's given a bully the opportunity to vent a little cruelty to the world at large. It's often not even personal against the author of the content, but a statement on the person making the horrible comments.
Sometimes, bullies take it a step further. They will step into the world of defamation, which is making untrue statements about an individual that can harm the person's reputation. Online defamation is when someone posts something untrue and harmful about another person. Anyone who has been the subject of online defamation may be able
to sue under the Defamation Act .
Bullying can be devastating, and it helps to fight back. If you've been the victim of cyber bullying or defamation, get the advice of a defamation lawyer to see how you can stop the bullying person. If you have a case, you can sue for defamation.
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252843 - 2023-07-18 07:43:01