Hello Im Nervous
You start out feeling fine, excited at the prospect of an interview. You’ve brought a new outfit just for the occasion. Your C. V is up to date and all your references are hot from the printer. Your shoes are polished and you look professional and ambitious and ready to kill.
Then it begins:
Your palms start to itch.
Your stomach switches back and forth from fluttering butterflies to plummeting around your knees.
Your heart pounds so fast you feel like it will burst through your chest.
You then feel hot and begin to sweat like crazy.
You feel like you cant go through with it and you want to stay home and curl up in a ball.
But some how you manage to make it out the door, mentally reminding yourself to just breath. Repeating over and over again that everything will be alright. After-all your interviewer is just another human being, no one to really be afraid off.
You manage to get to the general location as to where your interview is to be held but are finding it hard to find the actual building; luckily you have plenty of time in which to find the place. You stop for a coffee to calm your nerves and ask for directions.
You find the place. You ride the elevator to the correct floor. You greet the receptionist and then wait. Your heart starts pounding again. You start sweating again. Your knees begin to wobble and your hands tremble.
Then the manager comes out, calls out your name and shakes your hand.
Throughout the entire interview you try and keep your voice steady and keep your hands from shaking under the table. But despite all this you still manage to smile, laugh and make your vibrant personality shine through. You answer all the managers questions and then throw in some of your own.
When its time for you to leave; you get up, shake hands, and bid farewell. You leave felling bright and cheerful, the complete opposite from when you went in. That is until you get home. You start to feel nervous again; you wait in anticipation for a phone call, an email, anything to confirm or deny the prospect of a new job opportunity. You wait and wait but get no response.
It seems like these days with all the advancements in technology has diminished the personal touch. We apply for jobs via the internet and job searches. We get responses via emails, and that’s if we are considered for the position. If we don’t fit the description for the job or will nor even be considered for the position, we don’t even get a response; we are just left to wonder why we didn’t get a reply or what we could have done to be considered. Even after we have gotten the interview and didn’t get the job a simple phone call had been replaced by a quick rejection email.
It seems that recently employers are crying out for new staff, but are unwilling to take a chance on anyone who doesn’t have the required experience for the job. The question must be answered: if all employers want is someone with experience, how do you get the experience?
We go to University, we go to Tafe, we get Diplomas: we get all the recommended paper qualifications then get told we have not real world experiences. Or it works the other way around: we leave high school and work constantly from the word go, but when we try and better ourselves with a higher payed or even a more studious position we get told we don’t have the necessary qualifications to be considered for the position.
It seems as though these days no one can get the job they want because no one is willing to take a chance a someone just because they are rough around the edges.
A note to all the employers out there: you had to start somewhere with someone giving you a chance, so give your next interviewee a chance. See the potential they possess rather then the qualifications or experiences they don’t have. Otherwise you never know who you may be passing up for something better that never comes along.
251800 - 2023-07-18 07:28:07