Having an Attitude of Gratitude for Your Life Part 1

Having an Attitude of Gratitude for Your Life Part 1

Posted 2013-12-08 by Justine Crowleyfollow
Image The Secret Facebook page. Having an attitude of gratitude is designed for you to manifest more abundance in your life. That is awesome.

Being grateful for what you have right now is everything. This paradigm shift moves you into a positive headspace in life. Thank you is one of the most powerful words in the English language. Indeed, you'll soon discover that you have a lot to be thankful and appreciative for in your life.

This two-part gratitude series begins with being grateful for what is in your life right now. All you need to do is start off with the small things.

Truth be known, when you're grateful for what you already have in your life, the universe will bring you more things to be grateful for. Therefore, your abundance can't help but multiply in your life. Gratitude rocks.

Speaking of the latter, one cool way for cultivating an attitude of gratitude for your life is to hold a rock in your hand. This rock is to be called your "gratitude rock." The rationale behind this is to think of all of the good things you're grateful for in your life as you're holding this rock.

Being grateful for your life is also awesome the moment you get out of bed in the morning. Before planting two feet on the ground, wake up and say "thank you." Do not mumble and groan that "Oh I am so tired, I wish I could go back to sleep." The latter is a counterproductive way to start your day. Start with great thoughts, and thereby no minor adversity can wreck your mood.

It is smart to invest in a notebook, and call it your "Gratitude journal." The idea is to (initially, and up to you) write down at least five things that you're grateful for in your life right now. It can be as simple as having a roof over your head, to being able to attract a cup of coffee. As you become inspired, and as soon as you start to see noticeable differences in your life, circumstances and mood; you'll be more inspired to expand upon your list on a daily basis. Yours truly has pages of things of which she is grateful for on a daily basis.

The little things become massive, such as being grateful for owning your own home and investment portfolio for instance. Start small, and best of all this life changing exercise is free.

Although personal, I'll provide you with a mini example of some of the things I have been grateful for in my life this morning - as at the time of writing this:

* For living in a beautiful, spacious home, that is only 20 minutes away from the city.
* For paying a few thousand dollars off my small mortgage on my house recently.
* For all the beautiful clothes I wear, and for the great things I own.
* For my awesome business, where I get to help people and create things out of nothing.
* For the healthy profits my business is generating me.
* For being a self-published book author.
* For the amazing man in my life.
* For living in Sydney.
* For the free yoga class I enjoyed this morning.
* Listening to amazing chill out music.
* For an abundance of money, and for an abundance of cash in my bank account.
* For being healthy, energetic and vital.
* Great relationships.
* For my beautiful family and friends.
* For being able to meditate.
* For the water I am drinking right now.

This is only a glimpse of the things that yours truly is currently grateful for in her life right now - again, as at the time of writing this.

You can do this anywhere. At home, or on the train commute to work or uni. It doesn't matter, and this technique only takes a few minutes. A great mood lifter. What you focus on always expands. Focus on the great, and the setbacks and frustrations will wither away in retrospect.

Gratitude can also be practised mentally. For example, when travelling - be grateful at that moment for the transport that is allowing you to relax and give you some more you time.

Watch this space for Part 2 of the gratitude series.


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