Happily Ever After Part1
I was at a family friend's wedding today and it got me thinking about my fear of marrying the wrong person. It's not a personal attack on my boyfriend or anyone in the world, I'm not being cynical about marriage and the commitment that it involves. I just fear marrying the wrong person.
My worst case scenario would be waking up to someone I loathe, seeing their face everyday and thinking "God, what did I get myself into?" Worrying that my kids may be devastated that their mother doesn't want to be in a marriage anymore that could break up their family. I would never want to do that to my children, when I've already lived two separate lives between my parents I wouldn't want the same impact on my own children. Although these things do happen, and I constantly witness it. It scares the living daylights out of me.
All I can do is not speak futuristically and focus on what I can do to prevent that from occurring in the future. Keep the same loving person in my life and never settle for any less than him.
251649 - 2023-07-18 07:26:21
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