Getting Through Tough Times

Getting Through Tough Times

Posted 2014-02-07 by Rachael Millsomfollow

Sometimes life gets tough. Having young kids on a string of 40 degree days can be tough; as can losing a job; having an accident; ill health and disagreements…the list can go on...

What is tough is different for each of us. I enjoy heights, yet maybe you suffer from vertigo. It doesn’t matter what you find tough or what you find easy. What matters is how you manage it, and how you get through it.

I have a saying in life that I heard somewhere once and liked - "things always turn out better than I expect". You know what, they generally do.
The key I think is to accept things as they are now; take action where you can, and leave the rest up to the gods.

Some ideas for getting through the tough times...

When things get hard for me, and I admit I have a pretty good life; these are some of the things that get me through:

  • Holding the belief and faith that I will get through it - how to build this in another blog coming soon.

  • Being creative and having fun. Doing things you love can remind you of the good things. Walking around it with wet clothes is a different and fun way to keep cool on a hot day, and something I did during our last heat wave in Melbourne.

  • Appreciating all the positive things in your life. Get in touch with your childlike wonder of everything within you and around you. Living like everyday is a miracle.

  • Diving in - by this I mean remaining present and allowing yourself to experience the pain, the sadness, and the unknowingness. It is through experiencing that you can move forward, and that you can more fully experience the joys in your life. More of this on my article to ride through or to go around puddles that is. Please note that sometimes when life gets tough, it can be helpful to talk to a counsellor; to have someone present while you go ‘diving in.’

  • Heres to 2014, and all that it has in store for you.


    251955 - 2023-07-18 07:29:47


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