Five Ways To Find Ideas For Articles

Five Ways To Find Ideas For Articles

Posted 2015-10-30 by Marie Vonowfollow
Sometimes it is easy to find topics to write about. In fact you may find you have too many ideas and not enough time to write about them all. You may find as you write one article it sparks ideas for other articles. At other times you may find yourself short on ideas.

A sign such as this can spark numerous ideas for articles. ImageMarie Vonow

Here are five ways to find ideas for articles:

1. Take notice of signs
Take photos of all sorts of signs and look at them when you are short of ideas. The one above could inspire you to write about the ways rules and laws protect us. Alternatively, you may write about your family's recreation activities. Perhaps the dog or horse image inspires you to write about your favourite animal. Another idea is an article on the health risks or benefits of alcohol.

2. Look at old magazines
The older the magazine the better. You may get ideas for a number of articles highlighting similarities or differences between the era of the magazine and now. Look at the advertisements as well as the articles. How have ideas changed in the areas of beauty, housekeeping, cooking, women's rights, fashion and hobbies?

3. Look at photos you have taken
Are you in the habit of snapping all sorts of things when you are out and about? Do you take photos thinking they might be useful as an image for an article one day? Rather than always writing your article and then searching through your photos for a suitable image, work the other way around.

Find an image that sparks ideas for an article. You may have a number of photos on a topic and find you can write your article around the photos.

You may find it useful to start a collection of quotes for future articles. Alternatively, use the internet to locate quotes on a topic of interest. When you write your article you may decide not to include the quote itself but it may have got you thinking about a particular topic.

5. Write about something you have done recently.
At first you may think you haven't done or seen anything out of the ordinary lately. Think again. Perhaps you can write an article on five tips for doing something you do frequently. If you are doing it, chances are lots of other people are too. If you are feeling stressed, others are too. Perhaps you have some hints to share.

If none of these ideas are helpful to you, well I guess you will have to do a Google search to find some ideas. Alternatively, stop trying so hard. Go out for the morning, take a shower or nap or read a book. While you are doing something else, an idea for an article may just pop up.


252782 - 2023-07-18 07:42:00


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