Five Things
Every morning, think of five things youre grateful for in your life.
Let me tell you five bad things that happened today:
1)The inflatable pool we were setting up had a hole in it.
2) We run out of money until Wednesday
3) y computer crashed…twice
4) The washing machine flooded the laundry, hallway, toilet and bathroom
5) The meat leaked in the fridge so we had to clean the whole thing out
Now let me tell you five good things that happened today:
1) I woke up next to the man I love
2) The sun was out
3) We made pizzas for dinner out of anything we could get our hands on in either the fridge or pantry
4) The boys let me control the TV for more than 30 minutes
5) I heard from a friend I hadn't spoken to in ages, and we had a good laugh
That’s just ten things that happened today. The thing is I could choose to focus on the negative things, and be really down about them, or I can focus on the positive things and go to bed with a smile on my face.
On any day of the week, life throws you multiple curve balls; some of them are little minor things, like needing to clean out the fridge, while others can be pretty stressful like being out of funds. Your attitude however, relies on how you overcome these curve balls.
Even if you're having the worst day in the world...if you can find just
one thing that makes you smile, then waking up that morning wasn't a total waste of time. Just choose to focus on the positive things in life.
In Summary:
We need to appreciate and accept both life's ups and downs.
For every negative there is always an equal or greater positive.
We are not meant to be up and happy all the time. We're meant to be poised, balanced and centered.
We live in a world of duality: Hot and cold. Wet and dry. Up and down.
Finding just one great thing about your life is the tipping point to cultivating an attitude of gratitude for it.
251551 - 2023-07-18 07:25:13