Feeling Unsure And Lost Is Part Of Your Path
Image by Marie Vonow
I was looking at Pinterest when I came across the following quote which caught my attention, 'You’ll be fine. Feeling unsure and lost is part of your path. Don’t avoid it. See what those feelings are showing you and use it. Take a deep breath. You’ll be okay. Even if you don’t feel okay all the time'. These are the words of Louis Szekely, known professionally as Louis C.K. I believe (from a bit of internet research), the original wording started, 'You'll be fine. You're 25. Feeling unsure and lost is part of your path.'
I have chosen to think about the quote with the reference to an age left out. After all, I am much older than 25, but I would like to accept the words as an instruction to myself.
I find it comforting to accept it as okay to feel uncertain about things. It is sort of nice to have someone give me permission to have times of feeling unsure and lost.
Much of the time I feel I
do know who I am and where I am going. Then, I have a day or longer when I feel insecure and uncertain about life. But that's okay. At that particular time I may not feel okay. However, if I allow myself to gain something from my uncertainty it's alright.
I interpret the quote as meaning you don't need to feel certain all the time. When you feel unsure you can choose to look at the situation as a personal learning experience. Don't rush to try to get in control of everything. Don't berate yourself for feeling unsure. Look at options. Look at different points of view.
Also ask yourself why you are feeling unsure.
Do you need more information?
Do you need to simplify things?
Are other people making you feel unsure?
Is there a lot of negativity in your life?
Do you feel deep inside that you are not being true to yourself?
Sometimes we feel unsure and lost when we are facing making a decision. That decision may be in connection with a relationship, place to live, job, how to handle something or another matter.
If it's something specific that is making us feel lost we can either try to make a decision using whatever
strategy usually works for us or leave it for a while. Sometimes things just fall into place and then we know what direction to take.
When it's a more general feeling of being overwhelmed and lost I often find the real problem is that I am tired and trying to be responsible for too much. Then I find it helpful to 'lighten the load' by delegating a few tasks or choosing not to do things that have a lower priority.
I also try to get extra sleep and look after myself by eating healthily, going for a stroll in a natural setting, talking to a supportive friend or I simply sit outside and enjoy the garden.
The next time you feel unsure and lost, you might find it comforting to recall Louis C.K.'s advice. Take a deep breath and remember you will be okay.
252915 - 2023-07-18 07:44:05