Facing Your Fears Head On
"Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is." - German Proverb
We all have fears. We have those little things that scare us to the point where we can barely move or speak. We are just petrified, and we become a babbling mess and a fit of cold sweats.
The most common fears may include: spiders, snakes, heights, clowns, flying, and even death.
For me personally its snakes: I cant stand the creatures to the point where I can't walk into a reptile house without getting cold shivers running down my spine.
Sometimes just watching a person freak out over their fears can be amusing. The other day my partner and I were driving down a road and came to a one way bridge when he noticed something on the roof of our car. It was a massive huntsman. He got so scared, he slammed on the brakes and screamed as he jumped out of the car. I'm not sure how many of you have seen a grown man scream, but it was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. Especially considering he wouldn’t get back in the car till I shooed the spider out.
Don’t worry too much though, he has got me back several times in the past, and has gotten enough laughs at my expense: putting rubber snakes on the balcony; finding dead baby snakes in the garden, and pointing them out to me all the while knowing that now won step foot in the garden.
We all have these sorts of fears, and we all have people who are willing to play on those fears to get a laugh. However there are those who believe that a good dose of fear is healthy for us. That a shock to the system is refreshing.
“Facing your fears is a natural and positive drug. The adrenaline your body produces when you venture outside your comfort zone actually creates a high. That high is the distinction between existing and living.” – (http://www.existing2living.com/8-reasons-why-fear-is-good-for-you/
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I'm not saying you should get scared out of your wits everyday, but every now and again a jolt to the system is a good thing. If anything, fear always makes good stories; retelling a practical joke that you pulled on someone, or even just retelling of a funny incident in a car with a spider.
Fear, believe it or not, is actually a good thing.
It’s a survival instinct. Fear releases adrenaline which taps into our fight or flight gene. It is this surge of adrenaline which makes us feel alive.
Fear can work against us or for us. Either it can be used as a part of a practical joke, or it can make us do things that we wouldn’t normally do, pushing us out of our comfort zone.
Fear can make us recoil in fear, or make us jump out of an airplane. Either way everyone deals with fear in their own way, and it up to us as to how we move on form the experience.
"Fear makes us feel our humanity." - Benjamin Disraeli
251869 - 2023-07-18 07:28:51