Enjoying Life Today

Enjoying Life Today

Posted 2017-10-27 by Marie Vonowfollow
Adapted from Pixabay

As I sit in my comfortable home I think back to my childhood and teenage years. I have fond memories of many experiences but I do not miss the freezing cold mornings of winter or the sweltering days of summer with no air conditioning. Today I appreciate the availability of hot water for showers, bath and dish washing (when I am not using my dishwasher). I do not want to go back to the days of boiling a kettle to do the dishes or stoking up the chip heater to get hot water for Saturday night’s bath. I enjoy my daily hot shower complete with beautiful smelling shower gel.

Sometimes one can look back with nostalgia to a time in one's past. Perhaps it's when the children were pre-schoolers. I remember some good times back then and I made some long lasting friendships through my children. I also remember sleepless nights and being so tired the day after. These days I enjoy a good night's sleep. Sometimes I even have an afternoon nap. Bliss.

I have fond memories of when my sons were young Courtesy of Pixabay

There is conflicting information about whether people tend to remember the good or bad aspects of the past more. Some studies have shown people are more likely to remember happy times than unhappy ones. They look at the past with 'rose coloured glasses' and feel days gone by were so much better.

Other research says people remember the negative times more.

People who have been through harrowing experiences don't ever forget them. How could they? The past is a place they do not wish to revisit.

Some individuals, even if their past wasn't traumatic, have a tendency to recall the bad times of the past. They may also focus on the negative aspects of their current situation. People who suffer conditions such as Depression may have times when they are not able to focus on the positive even if they really want to.

Every period of time has both positive and negative points. Sometimes I compare particular aspects of life today with that of forty or fifty years ago and think neither is really better, times are just different.

It's nice to reflect on good memories but not if it means failing to enjoy the good things today's life brings. Yes, there are plenty of negative aspects to modern life, often sensationalised by the media. But there is a lot of good as well. Dwelling on the negative events and on the bad things that could happen in the future stop us from enjoying the good aspects of today. Even if you disagree with this view, there is no way to bring back the past so you may as well enjoy today as much as possible.

Buddha gave this advice, 'The secret to health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.'

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