Embracing change
Photo by Ross Findon
Change can come in many forms; it can be new surroundings, new people around you, physical changes or new ideas, beliefs, or values. Change can be scary. For many of us, change is scary, especially when it is change that may be forced upon us for reasons that are out of our control. Change can also be intimidating, even if it's self-evoked, if we end up having to face unplanned consequences, or we realize that we might have gotten in over our heads by the time it’s already too late to go back.
Change is an important part of life, however, which is why it's important to learn how to start dealing with it, and eventually, embracing it. Looking at it from a larger perspective, the world is in a constant state of flux – the universe and everything in it, the passing of time, and the cycle of life. Everything that has happened in history up until this point is because of change. Change can come in the form of progress, such as scientific advancements or new inventions that can make our work easier and faster, but it can also be malignant, and take the shape of e.g. wars, or the advancements of retrogressive, prejudicial political powers.
If there is one thing we know about humans, it is that we are masters of adaptability. It's basic evolutionary theory – the most successful one is not the strongest or the smartest, but the one who can best adapt to new situations. This is not to say that you should accept whatever change might be thrown your way, but instead to encourage you to not give up if you find yourself in a new, undesirable position. Success never comes to those who only stand around and complain about life’s unfairness. If you instead roll up your sleeves and begin analyzing the situation and what you can do about it, you will find that you can actually, more often than not, turn the tide in your favor.
This also brings me to my next point: You have to start trusting in your own power to make change happen. Whatever might be going on in your life, whether it be changes that leave you feeling powerless, or if you feel like you are making the wrong decision, you have to believe that you have the strength, determination, and tools to turn the negative into positive. Nothing in this world is pre-destined, and each and every one of us have the power to change the course of our own lives.
Change brings opportunities; it can be chances of material gain, success, new relationships, or of personal development. Stagnation is what happens when we are too afraid to step out of our comfort zones. If we are too afraid of the new, we are never going to learn and grow as people, and we are never going to achieve the goals and dreams that might seem far too out of reach, but in reality are things you could actually make come true if you only are willing to put yourself out there and let yourself change and be changed.
You don’t have to feel like you have to control everything, but many people underestimate their own strength and their own power. Learning to embrace chance can help us letting go of past mistakes, teach us valuable lessons, and bring us new opportunities. Change is constant, and change is now, and when it comes down to it, “now” is really all we have, and it is up to us what we choose to do with it. So choose to change, and change for the better.
253128 - 2023-07-18 12:17:32