Each New Day Is A Chance To Start Again

Each New Day Is A Chance To Start Again

Posted 2014-01-12 by Lu Lu Bellefollow

As night blankets the day sometimes we are glad that it's over, and we look to tomorrow. A new day is full of hope, and we take forward today and yesterdays wisdom with us, so it's bound to be a better day.

Do you ever lay awake at night thinking of what you will do tomorrow? If you've had a bad day, perhaps it's best not to allow this day to eat in to your tomorrow time. Sleep now, and rise early. Rise fresh with a new perspective, and plan out your day with your batteries recharged and raring to go.

I love the quote; The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.

Each new day allows us the opportunity to change things, to start again.

Pack up today, it's done and dusted. Tomorrow is a clean slate and with you it is trusted. Whatever you learned today or the day before are now stored in your head, and tomorrow there will be more to learn and explore. Come night time just rest, go to bed.


251780 - 2023-07-18 07:27:55


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